Saturday, April 25, 2009

TV Weekly Episode 1 - The Bulge

We hope you've tuned in to our very first episode! Yes, there were a few glitches, but hey - this was our very first podcast and we promise to get better and better each week. You can download our podcast off iTunes, but here's the link to our RSS feed if you want to listen to it directly:

TV Weekly Episode 1

This week we talked about 11 TV shows (Sit down, Shut up, Gossip Girl, Chuck, Heroes, My Boys, Greys Anatomy, The Office, Parks & Recreation, Private Practice, Dolhouse, Friday Night Lights). We also talk about some of the fun we had at the Dollhouse Paley Fest :) We should mention that Leslie did most of the talking in this episode because we talked about a bunch of shows that she watches. Next week Minoti will be talking about more shows including House, Scrubs and others. Every week we will be updating our blog with highlights we might have missed in our podcast - things we noticed and liked, but didn't really get a chance to address in our 60 minute 'cast as well as corrections to statements we made (because we all goof up sometimes) :



Leslie : I mentioned that George was angry at Izzy for not telling him about the cancer, however, what I meant was that George dealt with the news by being angry.



Leslie: The name of the Battlestar writer is MARK Verheiden



Leslie: There were many confusing sentences uttered by me in this podcast (clearly my mouth was moving without the influence of my brain that day) but the one uttered in the middle of the Friday Night Lights discussion was confusing to the tenth power. The coach lost his job at Dillon High School and now has to work at East Dillon High, a new high school which includes none of his star players from Dillon High School. Which means that he'll be forced to put together a team with new players, many of whom, have never played football before.



"Big Mike is my friend"
"Really? Do all of your friends give your mother urinary tract infections?"



Minoti : I refrenced the previews for next weeks episode of Gossip Girl. If you haven't seen the previews and don't want to know what happens next week, you probably want to skip the Gossip Girl part (which is within the first 15 minutes of the 'cast).



Leslie : It's very strange hearing my name every two minutes when I'm watching a TV Show. The only other time I can think of when a character had my name was on Saved By The Bell : The College Years. Although I always thought that the fact that a Star Trek character's name rhymed with mine was pretty awesome...even if everyone hated that character!



Leslie: I said that Joss wrote episode 8 and 9. Technically Joss did think up the premise of "Needs" but he was not the writer of either episode.


"Drink your Long Island Ice Tea"
"Wait, there's tea in this?"

"Illusions aren't worthless. They're at the heart of most relationships."



Leslie: I said that David Brent from the British version of "The Office" quit but he was actually fired =/.

And in other news...


Leslie : This week we wondered what was up with actors and characters being pregnant. One of the stars we forgot to mention in this category was Sarah Michelle Gellar. Pregnancy Count : 6.


Minoti : Leslie mentioned a link to a blog that talks about the charge of misogyny in Dollhouse. Below is the link, but a fair warning - the writer of this blog is not a Buffy fan: Click Here


Leslie & Minoti : If you're wondering what the song at the beginning of our podcast is, it's "Psychologist" by Minoti. You can listen to it and buy it at Minoti's Stereofame Page.


  1. Woohoo! I love you guys! (I haven't met you yet, Minoti, but I've heard a lot about you!) Best podcast ever! =)

  2. Hey guys, I found your podcast yesterday and am already hooked after the first episode. I live in Australia so it's great to hear about what's happening with all the American TV shows we don't get here, so that I know what to illegally download :) Can't wait for episode 2!

  3. We’re happy to help, comicstar :).

    Thanks so much for your comments, guys! They made us both smile :)
